Sunday, October 26, 2008

Internet Job Opportunities - How To Find The Right Job

There I was, 23 years old; I had no money and no job. I even had a 4 year bachelor degree and I couldn't get a job for the life of me, let alone an internet based job. There are so many internet job opportunities out there, but my problem was I never knew how to land one. How to search the internet for a job is easy, but there is so many internet job scams out there that it is just worth doing affiliate marketing based jobs online. Stay away from multi level marketing affiliate program. Multi level marketing is bad news and as soon as the bottom falls out of a multi-level marketing program it is over. Multi-level marketing programs basically boil down to you having to sell another subscription to an additional multi level marketing program. It just isn't logical and a great business decision. In order to be successful in any type of multi-level marketing program you have to be dishonest, and being dishonest doesn't cut it in my book.

The only way to make a killing in the online world is through affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing top programs almost always consist of a high selling product with a flawless sales page and offer over 75% commission on each sale. The only way to truly be successful with internet marketing based jobs is to offer your future internet affiliate marketers 75% on each sale when they sell your product for you. Affiliate marketing is so easy to do that in just 3 hours or less you can have an affiliate marketing site which can already be generating sales in no time. The first thing you need to do is head on over to clickbank to find a great product to sell and a hot niche to sell that product in. Once you find the product to sell there is no reason why you shouldn't make a killing off the affiliate marketing product of your choice.

When you find your affiliate marketing product you need to make sure you have great knowledge of the product. Being knowledgeable about the product you are trying to sell will guarantee you better results and set yourself apart from the competition. Customer's love it when there is someone knowledgeable about a specific product that they are interested in. Show them that you care and make them NEED the product not want it. Potential buyers see products all the time that they WANT; you need to turn their wants around and make them NEED the product. There are so many products out there that give you the opportunity to earn over 75% commission off any product. There are some products out there that will earn you only 25% commission off each sale, I suggest you stick to products that will earn you 75% commission. Find that hot product and do not stop selling it and give up! Keep selling the product non stop until sales cool off and move onto the next product. In whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best of luck.

About the Author

BetterLifetimes Network is a network specializing in exposing legitimate internet job opportunities. Visit Michael's program website and FREE Blog on internet marketing strategies to learn how you can make a full time income working from the comfort of your own home. Visit

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Realities of Starting a Home Based Business

The lure of easy money and fast fortunes run rampant on the internet today. People are seduced into believing all the hype simply because they want to believe it. Many internet marketers prey on a hungry and eager audience omitting the fact that it takes dedication and knowledge and certain skill-sets.

Fortunes can be made, in fact, they are made every day. The ones who succeed online understand what it takes to market. Marketing is the number one skill that must be cultivated. And within that skill comes another subset of skills to learn. Gone are the days of having a replicated website that thrives on sheer luck and market demand. Now the buyers market is educated, aware, and selective.

It is the responsibility of the marketer or would be marketer to offer value and be accountable for what they are offering. People who don't grasp this concept early, are in for much frustration and disappointment. The ones that do grasp it will be in that upper echelon of the online marketing community.

Keep in mind that if you want to achieve a higher level of success you will be offering or selling something just as it was offered to you. In order for you to succeed you have got to be able to pass along some of what you've learned down the line. Your success level usually depends on just how much you are willing to offer. If you try to skip over learning the basics or if you didn't have a good guide to begin with you may end up wondering why your not succeeding.

What many opportunity seekers do not realize is that the company or person that they are buying from put the work in at some point in time. They may have achieved a status or position that actually does allow their business to run on autopilot now. Sometimes the marketer fails to reveal this and when the new prospect does not get instant or similar results, they feel ripped off or cheated.

There are so many variables to grasp when starting any enterprise. Learning and applying the basics are crucial in developing a foundation to build upon. This doesn't have to be a painstaking and long process either, as long as you're open to learning and mastering certain skills.

Just remember to be prepared to put some effort into whatever business it is you decide to take on. Look for coaches, mentors, and support communities that share your vision and this will accelerate the learning process. Make your mistakes and get the bugs out early, then it will get easier; and with a little effort you too may be on your way to your fortune.

If this has been helpful and you'd like to learn more Go Here for more marketing tips. James Broadfoot is an entrepreneur, web publisher and online marketing specialist. Take a Look Here to see what else he's up to.
Article Source:

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Affiliate Program Business Opportunity: An Opportunity That Will Make You Earn A Lot Of Money

It didn’t take long for the internet to become one of the largest income generating businesses today. Even regular people, such as yourself, will have a chance to make a lot of money by just using the internet.

If you think that the internet is only used for communicating with your family and friends, then you are missing one of the best business opportunities of your life. Because there are millions of companies and businesses offering their products and services over the internet, they are now finding ways to effectively market their products and services over the internet.

Many successful businesses and companies have found that regular people who are maintaining their very own website can now be "hired" to advertise their product for them. This particular internet marketing strategy is called affiliate programs.

The concept of affiliate programs are simple and even you will be able to take advantage of this kind of business opportunity. First of all, you have to remember that because of the internet marketing boom, many companies are now having problems selling their products and services. This is because different companies are now offering similar products.

This is where you come in. You will be able to help a particular company by joining their affiliate program. All you need is a desktop computer with an active internet connection and a website to join an affiliate program.

Of course, the first thing you need to do is optimize your website on a popular search engine. What website optimization means is that your website should at least be in the first three search results of a search engine. To do this, you have to generate a lot of targeted traffic. So, it is important to make your website known so that you will have regular visitors in your website in order to sell the affiliate program's products and services.

To do this, you have to first choose a particular topic for your website. It is important that the topic should be one that you are knowledgeable about in order to know what to put in your website. For example, if you like auto mechanics and you are knowledgeable about the subject, then you can get a website designed to contain automotive topics. To make your website known, you should try and publish articles over the internet about automotive. This way, you will be able to get interested readers to visit your website.

If you now have sufficient targeted traffic in your website, and you continue updating the contents of the website, it is now time for you to apply for an affiliate program. It is very important that you should apply for an affiliate program that is also similar to what you are discussing in your website. For instance, if you are discussing about auto parts or about cars, then you should get affiliated with a company that sells auto parts or one that sells cars. Besides, your readers are interested about cars or auto parts, by putting an affiliate program about dogs or cats, you won't have any sales at all unless your website is discussing things about pets or about pet grooming.

In time, and by maintaining your website, you will see that you will earn a commission from every referral your website makes. The best things about this is that your website will be open for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Just make sure that you update your readers about the latest news about your website topic.

About the Author

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information on a great business opportunity and learn how to make money checkout his recommended websites.

4 Free Work at Home Job Opportunities

Free work at home job opportunities are all over the net. You really just need to do some research and find which job opportunity best fits you personally. Below are 4 free work at home job opportunities. Choose the one that best fits you.

1. Fill Out Forms You will be filling out forms of various products and services on the Internet. This kind of work is called Data Entry. This job opportunity will let you make your own decisions. You will be working for yourself. No one will tell you what to do. If you have an access to the world wide web then this opportunity is perfect for you. For this kind of work, you will be paid every 2 weeks. A check will be on the way on the 1st and on the 15th of every month.

2. Participate In Online Surveys: Many companies who are online would rather pay people to participate in their market research and pay them at the same time rather then going out and wasting millions of dollars on research and development. If you can devote about 1-3 hours per day, then this job opportunity is excellent for you.

3. Become a Writer Many website owners don't know how to write a sells copy or even basic articles. If you can write well, then you can offer your services to them. You can make anywhere between $30-$100 for this type of service. There are a lot of people who are looking for writers so there is a large possibility that you will find these people and offer your service to them.

4. Online auctions If you have some or a good amount of "junk" in your house then you can make money too. Just choose what you are willing to get rid of, and then go online and find a good auction site. A good one is eBay and you can list all your items up for auction. This is a good way to make money with things that you don't need anymore and aren't using. If you are looking for other job opportunities then I am inviting you to visit a website like mine below where I have listed more then 10 work at home job opportunities for you.

Tal Fighel is the owner of The Work At Home Income Directory: - You can find more of Tal Fighel's articles here:
Article Source:

Sunday, October 12, 2008

How To Easily Get A Job.The Common Mistakes Made By A Job Seeker

Would you like to learn how you can easily get a job?

Imagine finishing your university studies completely confident and prepared for the job market---Knowing all that will be required of you as a job seeker.

Now I want you to imagine being completely in control of the outcome of your job search activities and landing the job of your dreams, which will make you happy and comfortable...Sound too good to be true?

After you read this short article, you will feel like your fears of never getting a job are almost completely solved, all you will have to do is to go out and get one.

Right off the butt, I want to tell you that getting a job is as easy as mastering the English alphabet. However, it makes me sad whenever I see a bright individual blundering his chances of getting a job by committing mistakes that can be easily avoided.

MYTH: Most job seekers think they can get the job just because they're good at what they do.
FACT: Wrong! The jobseeker that knows how to present his CV, use the CV to effectively search for that job and how to act during an interview and answer questions well will get the job!So what does this imply, it implies that the process of getting a job boils down to three things namely, Writing a good CV, using the most effective job search methods and mastering the art of interviews. What are the common mistakes you are bound to commit as a job seeker?

1. Writing a poor CV.

These days employers often receive a lot of CVs for advertised and not advertised jobs. Jobs advertised in national papers can often attract hundreds of applicants. So your CV has to be just that little bit special to stand out if you want to obtain interviews.

Your CV is a very important document; with it rest your hopes and dreams for the future -that next step up the career ladder, a better position, more money, new challenges, etc. Your CV therefore has to represent the best you have to offer if you do not want to miss out on that job you saw advertised or heard of which was 'perfect' for you.

However, most job seekers spend a lot of time, effort and some times money, to write a very good CV. When they are through with the writing bit, they then make several copies, which they will attach to each and every Job application they send out. This is a very grave mistake. You should never do this. Each Job you apply for, you should send a customized CV. A CV that is tailored to the requirements of that particular position. In the book titled How To Easily Get Jobs-Interview Questions And Their Right Answers Exposed, The four different types of CVs are shown with guidelines on how to write each particular CV and when to submit which CV. Plus the 15 thing that you should never include in your CV.

If you have customized your CV but doesn't seem to have the impact you wanted and you're not getting many interviews, then you should consider the following mistakes you might be committing: Are you aiming for jobs that you aren't qualified for? Does your CV meet the requirements of an advertisement? Are you older/younger than the stated age range on the advertisement? If you can see no reason why you have been rejected then you should look again carefully at your CV, as this must be the culprit.

2. Using Poor Job Search strategies.

Once you have prepared your CV you are ready to start looking for a job .In Uganda today, there are essentially four ways to find a job. The mistake that most graduate Job seekers do is to use only one method of job hunting. There preferred method is that of submitting application for jobs advertise in newspapers, radio and other print media. However, Over 67% of opportunities in any country are not advertised in the above media. So you should be able to use a method that will help you to uncover the 67% of unadvertised jobs. This method is called Networking and is extensively written about in many books including that written by me. In other words, To easily get a job, you will need to use more than two method of job searching. Faster results will be achieved when you use the four method of job searching.

3. Not Being Specific:

Most job seekers prolong their unemployment period because they lack vision. They do not know what they want. Though a few people have succeeded in getting a job when they just requested for any job, the majority of applications that request for any job will end up in the dustbin, never to be seen again.

You should not just apply for any job, ask for a particular Job. What Job Do I want? You should ask your self the question before you start hunting for the job. If you need help in reviewing your career plans you can get advice from 'Careers Service. These can be found at most departments at the various schools, institutions and Universities. It is important to have thought through the types of job/career you are seeking. This will help you identify potential employers and target your applications by presenting clearly what you have to offer.

4. Minimal interview skills by the candidate:

Many job seekers I have worked on have confided in me that even though they eagerly wait for the interview appointment to come in, they also hate the night proceeding to it. This is because they are not sure of what their performance at the interviews will be. Answering job interviews is an art that is perfected with preparation, practice and repetition. However, job seekers make a mistake of coming for the interview unprepared and not knowing what to expect.

Before you go for an interview, find out everything you can about the company by reading their annual report if they have one. Re-read your application, thinking through your own career and the questions they might ask you. You should try to anticipate the general questions which they will ask and also prepare some questions to ask them.

To do well at the interview, you will need to convince the interviewer you are technically qualified to do the job. You will also need to show that you are sufficiently motivated to get the job done well and that you will fit in with the company's organizational structure and the team in which you will work.

You should dress smartly for the interview and should leave home earlier than you need to on the day of the interview - you may be delayed by traffic or for other reasons. Be courteous to all employees of the company. At the interview itself you must be positive about yourself and your abilities - but do not make a mistake to waffle.

In the book How To easily Get Jobs-Interview Questions And Their Right Answers Exposed, You are shown secret techniques, tactics and strategies that you should use to out perform your completion and ACE any job interview. It has over 150 common questions asked at job interview, with the most excellent answer in response to the questions. These questions are a good resource for any one preparing for any job interview.

Well, those are some of the mistakes that are committed during job seeking and I have shown you how you can avoid them so as to easily get a job.

About the Author

Mary Janet is the co-author of the book titled:" How To Easily Get Jobs-Interview Questions And Their Right Answers Exposed". Get more Tips On :How To Easily Get A Job and job search advice.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Your Next Job: Looking For The "Right Opportunity"? (Part 1 Of A 5-Part Series)

During interviews it's often the little things that disqualify a candidate from consideration - and they don't even realize it. One of those is the use of phrases that are trite and ambiguous. Because people go to interviews without searching inside themselves for why they’re changing and what their ideal job would be, they frequently use phrases that do more harm than good.

These ambiguous phrases may sound good, but they don't mean anything and aren't impressive. Their meaning is relative, vague, and subject to a WIDE scope of interpretation. The most common of these is "the right opportunity."

When asked for clarification, experienced job seekers often follow the question with a long silence, then say, "I would say it's..." or else buy time by repeating the question. What usually emerges is something that - clearly - has taken shape for the first time. Less experienced job seekers launch into an off-the-cuff answer - the brain is thinking as the mouth is talking, and there's a direct line from one to the other without much space between the two.

"The Right Opportunity" trips off the tongue so easily. When you say it, you have a vague idea of what "the right opportunity" might be, but you usually haven't defined it - or you'd be sharing your definition of the phrase instead of using it.

And to you, "the right opportunity" could mean anything relative to whatever company you are interviewing with - usually clarified by something you didn't like. Too far to commute? Not "the right opportunity." Base salary too low? Not "the right opportunity." Too much travel? Not "the right opportunity."

Your Right Opportunity needs to be defined by the positive - not the negative. The Right Opportunity is what you DO want, not what you DON'T want. If you prepare prior your job search, you know what you must have in a job to make you happy, in what priority those factors fall, and you are ready to recognize it when you see it.

For instance:

• do you prefer smaller companies where you can roll up your sleeves and wear many hats?• or smaller companies that need help growing?• are you a corporate guy who wants to work his way through different positions or divisions to the VP level, aiming eventually for a top-level spot?• is that why you got your MBA?• or are you hoping the company will pay your way through school to get your MBA?• are you looking to develop your leadership skills and get into management?• do you want to stay part of the team instead of being a leader of the team?• do you want to travel? not travel? work alone? in a group? develop? or just implement? solve problems and clean up? or come into a company that is running smoothly?

The RIGHT OPPORTUNITY for one person is clearly NOT the RIGHT OPPORTUNITY for someone else. Without a definition, it says nothing for you or about you - except that your interview strategy is unplanned, your goal is undefined, and you haven't done much homework on a very important subject - your next job. copyright: Judi Perkins 2006

About the Author

Prior to starting, VisionQuest, Judi Perkins was a search consultant for 25 years in both the contingency and retained markets, including a short stint in the temporary and local permanent placement markets. To sign up for her newsletter and learn thousands of powerful concepts to find your perfect job go to